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Sunday, April 25, 2010 @11:20 AM

sometimes, i will type your name on facebook search engine. just to look at your profile picture and wonder what have you been doing lately.
DAMN! i sound like a stalker/perv.

haiz.. ENJOY bahss..


Sunday, January 17, 2010 @2:35 PM

hey.. dont know why end up here, maybe felt lonely.. aiya..

actually planned to go town with 3rdsis.. but think it's canceled le. or maybe i will go alone.
planned to go at 3pm, so gonna wake her up at 2.15pm.. then when i wake her up, 'can we go tml instead?' she said.

that sentence, i dont know why, juz makes me feel uneasy already. it's like the set plan, now comes a big '?' (question mark)... so-are-we-still-going-today type of change.
i dont know how should i respond, so i juz 'forget it'. it's like another chapter (of many many chapters) of being pangseh by her.. felt insecure, like the only answer i want from her is 'ok, u go out (of my room) first, let me prepare' and i didnt expect other negative respond. =(

so when i came out of her room. feel sort of 'bu shuang' le. didnt know if she's gonna come out of her room and start preparing or carry on sleeping.

then she came out. wasnt prepared for that and she saw my expression. i think i give the 'expressionless' expression.. bochap?

so we quarreled, i couldnt speak properly cos got mild soar throat. well, dont know who should be the one who won.. but she went back to her room, ditching the plan cos.. 'dont u feel weird if we still go out after a quarrel,' i said. like the atmosphere changed totally.

some insights on the quarreling, she said, 'did i say i dont want to go today?'
alright, she didnt. but she was hinting to go tml when i woke her up, that's not part of the plan, not even in the plan. and that makes me unsure if she's really willing to go with me today.

part 2, she said, 'cos mum told me to accompany you.'
yes, i need someone to accompany if i wanna go town.. it feels weird to walk alone on the big streets and shopping, like i was tagged 'Loner!' everywhere. LOL!... ok, back on the sentence, so does that mean if mum didnt tell her to accompany me, she will carry on in her lalaland? or on computer game?

well.. so wad r my options now?
stay at home and use the com?
call some friends and go hang out? (who to call??)
go town alone?
shop at nearby malls alone?
go and sleep?
go and die?

alright the possibilities is infinite.. i think i, alone, will stick to my plan.
so take care ppl, im going to town.. and hope i wont bump into ppl i know, feels weird too if being spotted. haha!

ENJOY! oh and.. cos tml (monday), is my off-in-lieu. why i dont wanna go tml? cos i dont wanna rush here rush there, keep worrying about the time.



Friday, December 04, 2009 @8:33 PM

the you i remembered.. the most prominent (well i guess) is... you biting your inner cheek?

the you i remembered.. makes me like soya ice cream. and i still craves sometimes.

ENJOY ur life!


Sunday, November 15, 2009 @10:26 AM

woot! maybe im abit outdated about lady gaga's new album.. but here's her MTV for Bad Romance

well.. ENJOY! her mtv is always weird.. but eye-catching


Friday, October 30, 2009 @10:52 PM

hey.. still friends right?

haha... as if u will see this.

well.. ENJOY! hope all of you will be.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 @8:39 PM

wow.. thanks joanna for being my 忠实观众/读者. haha!

and yes, went drinking/clubbing with some of the campmates.. it was 'refreshing'. too long never drink already.. and it's my first time trying Phuture and Zouk. prefer phuture more as the songs are more updated and not like house music with only boomzzboomzz. high all night and last part when im about to leave.. drank half a jug of some liquor with coke and a shot of tequila.

drink. drank. drunk. DRUNK.. stupor.. home.. blabbering.. bathed.. mcdonald's breakfast at 4+am.. slept.. hangover.

anyway. some things are over. though drunk, but still rather clear on my senses. learnt.. to let go, and i will say that with a smile. =)

ENJOY everyone! i gotta feeling *woohooo~* that tonight's gonna be a goodnite..


Saturday, October 10, 2009 @11:17 AM

hi guys, well.. dont know if there are still any readers. but whatever... at least im still here.

today suddenly feel like typing out things.. so long didnt touch the keyboard or sort of typing much..

juz wanna say, turned 20y/o already.. looking back at the 19 years.. what have i achieved?

knowledge - been through primary, secondary and polytechnic education.. planned to work on the chemical industry fields. but still in a dilemma of what i really want. hmm.. just like what teachers and adults normally will say. (primary school) 'PSLE is the first major exam kids will go through...'. (secondary school) 'you see, now you look back at PSLE, dont you feel it's chicken feet? now you got a bigger obstacle to go through, be it streaming in sec 2 or 'O' lvl in sec 4.' it will always be at that point that we, maybe only me, will feel the stress, feel that things, like exams, are damn difficult are real important and do not wanna screw things up.

haha, but for me... i think there's always something that distracts me on these important days.

during my pri 6 days, those old school GameBoys are still the 'in' thing for children, when pokemon and digimon are so hot. that's when im addicted to play and forget about doing homeworks.. in the end, always call my friends for answers.. yup, im that bad boy u can rank and record but definitely not disrespectful, wilful and harmful.. just playful. it's fun, fun, fun in pri sch.

it was when i gotten to sec sch that my family affords a usable and faster pc. then it was the period of 'O's around end of sec 3 or start of sec 4 that im addicted to maplestory.. haha, childish i know. so addicted that homeworks are always done on the very last minute. sometimes would even take advantage of those teachers being very kind that they wont punish us and dont do any of their homeworks. yes, put my own studies in jeopardy but still couldnt resist the temptations. it's also in sec sch that people starts changing, puberty, that politics step in, everyone wanna be on top, the best. backstabbing becomes part of the game, things turn ugly and you know that people treats u well with a purpose, a motive. that's why anyone hardly sees or hears me talking to sec sch ppl now. it's bright, dim and turns dark in sec sch.

well poly life... grown up and nice people in my class. felt blessed that's all i can say.. REAL BLESSED! it's study, complications and fun in poly life.

sorry for being abrupt, but i wanna stop loh.. haha, ENJOY ppl. ns is really not fun, it's the ppl inside that makes ur life felt abit better. all the best to myself.. and to everyone who is doing/ trying their best in anything! =)



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

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  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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