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Saturday, October 28, 2006 @12:51 AM


WOOHOO!!.. SO NICE.. actually it's yesterday's post.. but i posted the cheesecakes yesterday le.. haha so now i post! it was so fun!! woooooolala~~~

yesterday, we had our laboratory practical on thermodynamics.. one of my module! hehe.. we are getting into groups for our practical bcos our teacher says that the lab does not have enough space to squeeze all of us.

after that, we went into the lab (hohoho.. that day no need to wear lab coat, cos it's not that dangerous). we are having biscuits in the lab.. WITH LIQUID NITROGEN!!muaha
it is SUPER COLD!! our technical service officer(TSO) for our lab says that nitrogen change state at -196 degree Celsius! wow.. and when he pour out the liquid nitrogen, it's literally BOILING! woohoo.. it's colourless juz like water.. wow! and when water is boiling, it's 100 celsius, but when nitrogen is boiling.. it is at -196celsius, so the gas can be seen diffusing profusely!

last but not least!.. my friend took the whole practical using her phone haha, and she posted it on youtube! haha.. here is the link!

haha.. feifei is fu hao! LOL and i am the one wearing green shirt hehe.. it shows my classmates too.. one of them isn't here.. hope she can join us too.. >.<" and liquid nitrogen juz freezes everything to hard solid, able to crush it with hammer or by hand! oh gosh..
ok la.. going off le! hehe..

but i still dunnoe how to put up tagboard.. haiz.. sorry for me making such a boring blog =P

anywaez.. hope u all find the practical nice!!


Thursday, October 26, 2006 @10:42 PM


WOOHOO!!.. actually today im going to put 2 posts, haha, so bare with me =)

haha.. on 25th October, that day was sarip's(my friend) birthday! hehe.. luckily that day is after our malay friends fasting month!( selamat hari raya!! to all our malay friends!! hehe!) ok back to our topic! haha

after school ends, sebas, li jiong, sarip and i went to bukit timah plaza(i think so..LOL don't really know where it is, it's near our school anyway. hehe) we met darren there, he was busy playing pool with his friend. haha, i don't know how to play pool, so watch them play lor.. LOL but it's quite entertaining. erm.. maybe for the first few times ba.. bcos it's quite weird when im juz looking and not playing it. they are trying to teach me.. but it's just not my game haha! =P

we separated after an hour or so.. and sebas have to go back to school and fetch her girlfriend( wooolala.. so sweet neh!) but the sky seems unhappy =( .. it started to pour before we left the shop, so sad..

anyway.. we decided to have some cake and we saw this shop named "Liu San", it basically sells taiwanese delights BUT, it is also having cakes place at the front of the shop!! hohoho...

Sebas had chocolate truffle, lj ate oreo cheesecake, sarip gotten strawberry cheescake and me.. hehe i got the pecan walnut cheesecake!! wow! u bet they were nice.. haha but they say mine sounds weird, looks even weirder LOL. after sebas tried mine, he say it's nice too!! woohoo.. at least i never made the wrong choice(eventhough it sounds weird and doesn't look appealing.. hehe, here are the cakes.. i hope this works..)

as u can see at the top of the post.. haha mine is at the top left...

finished the cakes.. we took cab back to school, as the sky is still 'crying'.. haha

haha i hope sarip feels good! LOL.. okok hope u all will feel good after reading these too! haha YUMMY!! XP



Monday, October 16, 2006 @8:56 PM


haha.. today is the day! lol.. missed my friends! never seen some of them like, 7 weeks!

wow, today it's like training our ears.. at least that is what im thinking. okay, today we've met new lecturers. our new lecturers, 2 of them, at least i only heard the 2 of them have special accents, im not blaming them or being racist here =) i know its their dialects and how they are being brought up that matters.. just that, during our lecture(includes 3 classes of around 20 pupils each) about 50% of them are actually giggling. maybe they aren't joking on their accents, but they ain't listening to the lecturer too.. haha ha. ha..h.. erm, i should not be so bad.

anyway, haha nice nice! this semester, im learning EM3(engineering mathematics level 3). finally im about the same track as what my secondary school friend, Amelia, whom is studying in Pioneer junior college now while im studying in Ngee Ann polytechnic. im learning how to solve integrations by parts, haha maybe this sounds foreign or it might be chicken-feet to you, but i actually have to remember that formula, maybe it will become a habit. erm.. actually its not that on track with junior college ba, my friend had long finish those stuffs.. by the way, they just finished their promos not long ago.. hope ALL my friends who are studying in jc's to have grades which they wanted!

hmm.. today is quite a long day and somemore, yesterday i did not have a good sleep. because im too anxious? nervous? whatever.. haha. anyway, im playing games too, and i wanna play now.. haha im playing maplestory! if you are interested too, feel free to go to its website, it's for South-East Asia, do welcome gamers from other countries too. so long as you understand how we talk.. haha Haha muahahhahaha Muahaha~~ not being evil.. lol

the link is here: http://www.maplesea.com/

ok, see u all around! enjoy..


Sunday, October 15, 2006 @1:50 AM

Drifting further apart..

so far, i havent introduce myself on this blog.. i am someone who lives in singapore, in a place call jurong. living in an apartment in the HDB flat.

this doesnt sounds convincing.. actually this blog.. im going to introduce my siblings, im the youngest of the four of us. i have three elder sisters! they are great.. in one way or another, they meant alot and i mean ALOT to me. we have an age gap of 7 years between my 2nd and 3rd sis. while my eldest sis is juz a year older than my 2nd sis, same goes to me and my 3rd sis.

last time, my family lived together. i think that should be the best moments we had.. as a family, although we might have some quarrels at times, but i think quarrels are actually helping us to bond more as we will forgive each other and stay together again. i think i am starting to crap.

recently, around these 2 years or so, our bonds starts to get weaker... it feels abit.. prickly? maybe not abit.

first, my 2nd sis is staying at my grandmother's apartment to accompany my granny, because my grandfather had left this world a little too early, which is 3 years back. why do humans only regret when something or someone left you and never cherish until they know they must?

ok.. the next one, will be my eldest sis. she moved out because she is getting married!! actually she's counted as married =) she is living very happily with her hubby, at least i hope she is.

and right just now, she came back home with her hubby to visit our parents. she will be staying overnight at home and brother-in-law had went home first. because they planned to play the same game together and there is only one desktop at her house. so she is staying overnight to play with her hubby.. haha come to think of that, they are cute! still seems like children playing games together!

just now, when my parents are just asleep. she mentioned that.. it seems like she is no longer our eldest sister, seems like whatever we do, we had never discussed or never told her what we are going to do, never tell her anything and keeping secrets from her.. at least that is what i think. haha sorry STML again (Short-Term Memory Lost). cant really recall what she said.. maybe because im heartbroken..

i've been questioning her on the past few minutes before im writing this post. i think i wont go into the details. she is still playing her games but i do not know what actually is on her mind?! then she said, 'just forget what i've said, it's nothing important..'

im so.. ... i dont know how to explain the feeling, it's ambiguous..

as for my 3rd sis.. i think she is living in a virtual world, until she knows how cruel reality is.. i dont wish to see her fall off her virtual dream paradise. she currently is having a 'camp'. i shall not further smoking my way through, feels bad keeping a secret which should not be kept.

if u wanna know the detail of the real camp.. u can link to her blog at the previous post or my links..

ok la.. i shall stop for now.. this is the last weekend holiday before school starts.
cant wait for school to start.. at least can see my friends..

i.. dont wanna see our bonds between each other.. to.. dies off. i hope it can return to its old state, nothing have changed is the best.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 @3:56 AM

hey Hey HEY!!

im back to blog.. haha it has been a long time since i blogged. actually it's because of my cousin's blog, which gives me the 'urge' to try out new things! i think that their blogs are wonderful, maybe because they have nice backgrounds or simply just the content which attract readers! if u all are interested in their blogs too, here are the links(i dun know if these works) http://luv0e0natural.blogspot.com , http://jasperthedummy.blogspot.com/ , http://xxxchocoholicxxx.blogspot.com/ and http://mini-choco-love.blogdrive.com

hm.. i should have blogged earlier. because there ain't any fun stuff recently. But i've had a chalet on 2nd to 4th of October with my poly classmates! they are so fun.. muaha~ at least i think so ^^. maybe i will start my crap now.. haha

during the chalet, we had lots of fun! the first day, i was late to meet with my friends(sorry!), so they went there first, to check-in. haha, we spent much of our time.. playing poker cards rather than sleeping.LOLX! the first day.. hmm.. only half of the class shown up(it's kind of tough, as some of them has been working, or some just dun have the time to come. it's ok anyway!). it is rather common or nothing special, until that night! we rented bikes for overnight, planned to go night cycling hehe.. [im not sure whether it is expensive or not.. it is $14 for overnight after the auntie gave us a discount, of $1 each, and we took 10 bicycles! wa.. wondering how much money can they make for just one day!

anyway, we went for night cycling!! wow it was nice, especially with good friends! we cycle cycle cycle.. haha until someone complained that their legs are aching, im complaining too =P then we sat down at the beach. it's amazing that darren, our chairman, brought many things for us! and he was the one who organised this chalet, wonder how he managed(i simply cant do those stuffs! haha how ignorant can i be.. hm..)

ok, he brought 2 mats for the eleven of us to sit down, and not to dirty our clothes yet, on the sand. it's hot after cycling and we are perspiring when we are sitting on the beach.. erm maybe im only the one who is perspiring ba, haha there are thick blabbers underneath my skin! the wind is so comfy and we even saw cats loitering around, one of them even sat near the sea.. haha and we thought that it is going to commit suicide!(we are quite lame.. but i like my class haha, maybe because im a lame person ba =) wadeva!) also.. some of my classmates are playing pokers on the beach.. they just cant seems to stop.

on our way back, its already 2+ a.m. i guess(having stml sorry). we're kind of hungry and deciding on going to mcdonald's for breakfast after going back and took bath. the 11 of us are squeezing in just a room, it's so nice! some playing poker while zhimin is reading a book about many weird things, like y donald duck's comic is banned in a country(forgot which country le.. sorry) and the answer is because it didnt wear bottoms! haha it's quite hilarious on some of those funny facts. sad that weiquan wanted to go home(he lives quite near), so he said he will be back tml. we waited till 4+ a.m., never even got a wink and after we had our 'breakfast', it's STRAIGHT FOR BED!(time check 6+ a.m.)

woke up in the early afternoon.. WooOooOoOlala! after washing up, poker time!! LOL.
then more people came for the chalet! yeah!! went to return the bikes, the guys went for a dip but i didnt go.. haha. so i followed the girls as zhimin was having trainings in the late afternoon and we are sending her out, then shop for cup noodles in the supermarket.. hehe.

after she left, huiting, zoey, jolyn and me went back. having cup noodles as breakfast?! while playing poker(cor dai di!). the guys came back and i helped to open the door, fu hao was half-naked and drenched saying:' CY! wanna hug?' lol because he was all wet, wanna make me wet also.. haha so i ran away.

it's quite boring.. until the bbq stuff was sent here.. and.. it's time to prepare for the bbq!! woohoo! having fun having fun having fun!! (i forgot! we bought sparklers too! haha) while the charcoal is getting hotter and hotter, we started to bbq! mr chong(our mentor/teacher-in-charge), joanna and jia en came! they also bought a cake, it is actually to celebrate weiquan, zoey and my birthday one.. but weiquan didnt turn up. sobz~~ anyway, talk about the sparklers, binghan or darren made a 2 rockets of sparklers, but didnt shoot up haha. left with 17 sticks for each of us! so nice, fun, enjoying, hohohohoho all the great words to explain that scene!

after the bbq, it's water bomb time! haha it is damn fun!! woohoo.. huiting, jolyn and i were hiding inside a room filling up water bombs haha, we attack from the window, because the window got loose and almost fall off. astley came to help, with a water bag on hand! that makes me worried that he might throw the water bomb.. then when the window is back in place, i quickly shut the window not knowing that his finger is still there.. im so sorry!! >.<>

no more sad stuff, ok. after the bbq, many of them went home and zhimin came back! she finished up the cake and some bbq stuff.. it's about 12+ midnight and we went to bathe taking turns even though there are 4 toilets, because left the 8 of us (zw, sebast, ast, fh, lj, zm, darren and me!). we packed up all the bbq stuff and prepare to sleep..

firstly, there are 4 rooms, 2 queen sized and 4 singles. we slept in a 2 singles room and moved 1 queen sized and 2 single mattresses to that room, the 8 of us squeezed into it! woohoo.. it was wonderful.. haha we chit-chatted and all until all of us are really dead logs.. then slept till 9+ a.m. and checked out

wow.. i think this is my longest post ever!! haha its almost 4a.m. haha.. going to sleep le..

Enjoy! everyone~~ =)



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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