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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @6:34 PM

Had a BAD DAY.. haiz...

i think for this month, today is not the only bad day which i had.. haiz.. it makes me so fucking pissed la.. walao ****ing shit ass.

there was once, i forgotten when, but it was in this month, i wanna reach home early to catch a TV program after teaching my friend chemistry.. haiz. and it was super unlucky la.. actually not planned to teach my friend on that day, but planned to teach him earlier.. like 2 DAYS BEFORE! that is y im ****ing pissed off when he keep changing the date to teach him.. i mean it's like, hello.. u ask me to teach u.. and ended up u keep shifting the time slot and the date, WTF i think if that is the case, then no point teaching u, it is juz making my life more difficult! haiz.. but in the end, i still taught him and had to rush home. the bus 52 on service is so ****ing few, always makes those who were waiting for it to get pissed off! JUZ LIKE ME... and im mumbling in the bus la.. ok im being very petty, but when u guys have to rush and get home ASAP, u all will also do that ba.. and im not those kind who are willingly to take a cab, i dun think it is worth it.. and when i reach a bus stop, i have to transfer to another bus. when that bus came.. ARGH FUCKING bus driver, dun u know how to look and drive????? he drove across a rather deep hole full of water after the rain and fuckingly splash on me! IN THE END.. IM LATE FOR THE PROGRAM... BLOODY HELL! ASS DRIVERS.. walao.. super suay(unlucky) lor...

then today.. haiz.. i wasnt late for my lesson at 10 and my phone battery is going flat. i have to get a worksheet from my friend and photocopy a few more pieces for my classmates for that module, but im still not late. then i meet up with jiaen and christine, cos they dunnoe where the class is held at. after bringing them there, i was suppose to meet sarip, sebas and wq. sarip told me to wait for him outside the school library. so i waited.. then lj called and ask me to wait for him, cos he also dunnoe where was it. sebas called me after that and say that they were inside already.. wa, im abit pissed le lor, u ask me to wait for u all here, then im being so stupid standing there waiting for u all and after u all went in, then tell me.. wa.. who am i??? so insignificant until u can take me for granted?! same goes to lj, now we are really late for class and i called him the first time, he mentioned that he was at the entrance of the school.. so i think, the library wasnt too far from the entrance which can be reached less than 5 minutes and waited for him.. 10 minutes pass, he still had not came.. so i called again, he replied," im coming... i've sent my friend to the lecture hall first.."

wa.. he still dare to say he sent his friend first.. wtf?! u had plenty of time izzit?? u ask me to wait here and u jolly well have the cheek to tell me that u sent ur friend first?! wad u mean?? im really nothing in ur eyes izzit? able to be present when im in use and can be neglected when im in least importance?? it is hurting la.. if ur heart is made of metal, sorry, mine is made of flesh.. i seem so stupid and waited for everyone and wad i gotten is a piece of something worse than shit, i dunnoe wad i will become to them.. seriously thinking..

but after the class, i tried to forgive him(still feeling abit sour now when im writing)

then after school, which is around 3. im actually going to wait for my another friend, wen si. she end class at 5.. and my phone already dies off before i ended my lesson. so i have to wait for 2 hrs.. doing nothing! then bcos my phone was dead, message cant be passed through.. and i waited until 5.30pm! she still not there.. haiz.. then after i went back home, she then told me that she cant make it when i called her.. at least im not that angry with wen si la.. i think im angry bcos of the incident before that ba.. haiz

hm.. still in a rotten mood now.. project superstar is casting soon, maybe it will cheer me up ba.. =) cya guys..



Saturday, November 18, 2006 @3:15 AM

The Whole Week!

yo yo!! sorry for me not posting for a week!! LOL actually the week which had just passed(as starting from the previous post!) is wonderful!! woohoo~~ that's the word!

anyway.. last week's saturday, i went out with my cousins! we are so call the FIVEE gang? LOL but unfortunately shufang isn't able to make it cos she had to work! haha Big Money Big Money! XD she is working to kill time while waiting for releasing of the exam results. so left the 4 of us =) haha.. i think if u ever drop by to their blogs, they will also mention about that day ba..
Becos.. we went to ViVoCiTy! muahaha.. but it aint really a good idea heh.. =/ cos going there isnt really looking at shops, but instead, looking at people! the crowd is horrible, and we made those horrible scenes =) LOL im so proud that we are horrible =X

the place is so **** big, escalators are so **** messy, finding a shop is such a bad idea... haiz, cos we were deciding on having dinner at Marche( which had been added inside the directory) but that place is so **** deserted that we had to keep looking around for the directories.. no wonder they have so many directory.. =.=

and TO OUR HORROR!(exaggerating! hehe) when we walk near the Marche restaurant, there were notices saying, Opening Feb 2007! wow.. how great! it's on the directory?! with no stickers to be paste on those shops' names which isn't yet open!? Aiyoyo~~ i think we SHOULD go there after all the shops are really operating!(this sentence sounds abit weird.. sorry english D7 one LOL)

OK! but i think that day, i had enjoyed the most! =) cos it's with my cousins! it shall be even more enjoyable if shufang were to come.. next time OK! *promise o.<*

Hm.. then sunday, my parents, 3rd sister, her boyfriend and I went to IMM!! haha.. were actually shopping for covered shoes and maybe jackets/clothes. haha.. IMM had changed alot!! and i mean QUITE alot, it has extended and no more open-space carpark, but the multilayer carpark is still there =). there are more new shops of Samuel&Kevin, Ajisen, Mos Burger, ESPRIT, Adidas, Fish&CO., The Coffee Club and many more on the first floor! while the 2nd floor is still under renovation.. haha hope to see more NICE NICE shop coming the IMM's way! woohoo.. then no need to go Vivo squeeze here squeeze there le ^-^

continue, we went to S&K and my sis was like looking at a guy and she told me," hey.. dun u think that guy(salesperson) actually looks quite handsome?" and i agreed," ya lor.. especially after he put on the jacket(which is from S&K on sale).. i think the other guy(salesperson) also quite good-looking!" and the next day i met that guy in campus! OMGosh.. how coincidence?! haha... hm.. i hope that HQ kor will see wad i wrote, LOL then next time our gang go IMM on sundays. HAHA!! make him 'hua1-chi1'-ing(melt?! XP)

then.. after school on monday, i went back to dunearn to visit my band juniors! sigh, it has been a long time since i went back.. I miss yanqing, charlene, yuan chuan, carol and many more! and all my VIPs are taking their 'O' lvl, hm wish them all the best! i went back on wednesday(yesterday) too!

Tuesday and thursday has got nothing special.

wednesday, i went back to dunearn and they were having rehearsals for dunearnite!
as for today.. hm.. went to astro lor, actually wanted to go for dunearnite, but my friend say that today is quite important as there is a briefing for the upcoming camp..

hm.. i think i better go to sleep le.. so cya around!



Saturday, November 11, 2006 @3:14 AM

Topic-less..?! Rojak of Topics?! o.O"

haiz.. sorry im out of topic for now.. cos i dunnoe wad to write but also feel like blogging =)

anyway.. wow im wondering how my friend found my blog man.. argh, that will be so embarrassing la.. LOL
Firstly, it isnt nice. Secondly, it seems like no content at all.. and Lastly, erm.. lastly.. ehh.. ANYWAY, just feel so paiseh(shy, embarrassed).. any hole for me to place my head? whole body better!? haha..

oh by the way, about the previous post.. im not angry le ^-^ haha, there shall be a rainbow after a 'world war'!! =X

im abit retarded right?! maybe not abit la.. =P WADEVA

oh ya.. today had astronomy club.. haiz.. actually i hate wednesdays, but i think i dislike fridays more.. even though weekends are coming, i love fridays but the events just makes me hate it.. how pathetic can it be?! =.=

oh~~ my fridays.. all ruined! i wish there will be a miracle for me not to hate fridays and not to dislike being inside the astronomy club le. i shall be more open to astro.. let it be part of my life.. but.. haiz maybe not for now ba... ...

hm.. then i think i have alot of things that i wanna do.. but havent got the chance to do them. i feel like going back to my secondary school and take a look at my juniors in band. i miss all of them man! they are nice (some*) LOL. i also feel like going back to the place where i used to work last time, feel like visiting my friends-cum-colleagues but i just cant make myself to find the time and do it! *sigh* sometimes it's so disappointing when u have the urge to do something but u cant fulfill it or u just being too tired and lazy to even make the first step! ARGH.. i guess im starting to crap.. so i shant continue. hehehe~~

crapping is quite enjoyable sometimes.. LOLX!

haha.. i think i better go to bed le.. if not later tml cant wake up.. haha cos my cousins and i will be going to VIVOCITY! WOOHOO~~ being a 'sua gu'(nerd, countryside pumpkin?! LOL).. my first time will be GIVEN to my cousin.. lolx sounds abit wrong! and that phrase was taught by my friend call wen SPACE si! haha let's shall not elaborate further.. oh~~ look at the time.. 3.40 A.M.!! haha

so.. hope u all will have a great weekend tomorrow! and sunday of course! ^-*V



Saturday, November 04, 2006 @6:55 PM

What The ****!!!.. IM speechless.. (if u will feel unwell reading vulgarities, please dont read this post)

ok.. i juz came back home from my CIP.. and u know wad i saw???my sis's boyfriend is using my maplestory account to play! ****.. and im not angry with her lor, but she help him! im so.. speechless.

when i saw that he was using my account to play, im like,' walao..'
sis replied,' but i didnt gave him ur account number..'

then i throw my keys on to the dining table. she then said,' do u have to get angry over this..? do u have to throw it onto the table?'

obviously i will be angry!! they didnt even ASK MY PERMISSION!! WTH.. izzit that the phone bill is very very expensive? izzit that they will think i will be ok with it? y cant my sis juz tell me or ask for my permission to play MY ACCOUNT???? at least when i need to use her account.. i did seek for her permission lor..

at least, i wont be angry if my sis is playing my account.. but she also mentioned,' but we are one family ma..' wow.. one family?! i feel like saying right in front of her.. 'wad if both of u broke-up?? are we still ONE FAMILY?!?!?!?!?!'.

ya.. one family, i may let my sis play.. BUT NOT HIM YET...he isnt my relative yet.. and my sis helped him, wow.. family huh?? wadabout me?? aint i ur brother? y u let him play without telling me?? is a permission THAT difficult to ask??

i may be petty.. but that character inside maplestory is mine! cant he juz make a spearman himself?? and ya.. he is making it now, when i am posting this, cant he have done that earlier?? im so da** F****d-up now.. it is so ridiculous.

i think i should have the privilege to be angry lor..

haiz.. i dont know what to say now.. juz feel like complaining, so i post this =/ ok la.. anyway, dont hate me because of that, sometimes u all will feel that way too.. juz wanna protect ur things, can be touched by relatives, but not others.. for example, a diary, ur own laptop, etc. unless u trust that person, maybe i still cant trust him as yet ba.. still dont have that kind of kinship feeling, or even the friendship feeling..

maybe will juz be angry of him for awhile more ba..

ok la.. hope u all can be happy alwayz!!



@1:56 AM

feel so.. alone?!

hm.. i also dont know y, just have this feeling of loneliness. juz feel that.. no one understands me.. no one bothers to give me any attention, even if there is some attention. that is also not the kind of attention which i wanted.

this happens quite afew days ago.. when i was leaving home for school and before that, i was playing my computer.. when im switching it off and going out, im saying bye bye to the computer. omgosh.. i think im so alone lor.

haha.. a kid undergoing depression here.. LOL at least that is wad im thinking of myself.

hm.. it's ok la, wahaha.. gtg sleep le.. if not later cant wake up at 8, cos having CIP(community involvement programme) at 9am! wonder how can i manage.. im collecting old newspaper at boon lay, haha. so.. have fun!




name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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