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Friday, February 23, 2007 @3:01 PM


wa.. hahaha never been blogging for.. 15days! LOL
happy new year, ang bao come here.. haha, this was the phrase we used when still young =P

hm.. on the first day of lunar new year, we reached my ahma house(father's side) and waited there till everyone was there.. haha then.. GAMBLE! isn't it like every family will get this time juz to hang around with each other, have fun! hurhurhur... and gambling is fun! isn't it? ^-^

let's not go into the details.. haha cos u can view my cousins bloggie, they've written some details!

so.. anyway, around 1-2+pm, i have to go to johor and bai nian.. = ok.. this seems realistic, cos im much closer to my father's side than my mother's.. or maybe bcos of the distance also ba.. haha many factors to consider.. but i still went with my parents, yupz, and im the only child who followed.. thinking "how boring can that be... =.="

we were caught in the traffic for nearly 2 hours in the customs! and anyway, it doesn't feel lethargic and while in the car, on the bridge, it is raining on the right then u can see the clouds moving, with lesser things visible as it seems foggy.. ok, in short, the rain clouds are moving from my right to the left..

ok, i find it awkward reaching my da jiu's house, after i've greet everyone there, my parents went for gambling again.. aiyoyo, then im all alone.. watching tv, wa.. heng ar, at least JB(johor bahru) there still can get the reception from Singapore. i watched channel 5 then.. with some of the kids, my cousins' kids.

and also luckily.. there is HARRY POTTER and the chamber of secrets.. Daniel Radcliffe looks exceptionally handsome there haha... then, while watching the tv, i started to get closer with the kids, that is when i feel at least im not.. unwanted?! haha juz joking..

then after having dinner there, it's time to go to lao yi's house(dialect).. woohoo! and i met another of my cousin.. she gimme alot of firecrackers.. of all kinds! wahahaha.. that was SOOOO FUN!! think we cant play with most of those firecrackers in Singapore ba.. there's one which, after u lit the spark, it turns very fast and change colours(from green to yellow to red!) im so fascinated! haha.. but now, at least im not sua gu le.. (mountain turtle)..

after that, headed home.. it's already few minutes to midnite..

day 2 was peaceful, but my mum was surprised with a phone call, when we are gambling.. again.. =P my cousins are coming to our house to bai nian on day 3 morning! she is both surprise and worried.. haha, thinking of what to cook for them, how are we going to tidy our house abit more etc. haiyo.. she's too happy, even after the phonecall, she still laugh when gambling.. -.-

day 3 creeps up.. and i overslept, haha actually my mum says we have to wake up at 7am and help her tidy up.. but i 9++am then wake up.. heeheeeheeee~~ after tidying up, my eldest sis came home!! oh.. she never came back for a long time le.. haha, although i've seen her during day 1.. shortly, my cousins came.. haha and we were all relief.. especially my mum.. =)

day 4 was scheduled to go to my 3rd aunt's house(father's side) and have dinner.. all the family members will go there! then all of us were squeezing in front of the tv to watch hana kimi(hua yang shao nian shao nu) Wu zun kissed Ella in that episode.. haha, after the show was over, IT WAS GAMBLING TIME!! MUAHAHAHA.. looks like our family can break the guinness record for being the most gambling addicted family.. haha =X it was so fun.. and i've won $1.50 playing blackjack! hohoho.. getting 2 blackjacks in the game too.. lucky lucky.. LOL

after that, my cousins xhj, 2nd sis and some of our maple friends meet up in maple to do pq!(party quest) haha.. it was super nice.. but i abit rusty, long time never play le.. and also.. recently was playing another game, Ghost Online - GO. okays.. so this is one of the pics we took before fighting the boss in the pq, Alishar..


Thursday, February 08, 2007 @5:24 PM

sorry... i dunnoe wad title should i put..

i dunnoe y.. i feel so aimless sometimes. i HATE it, juz HATE it. but i dunnoe y im so aimless too.
the exams are coming, and im having one TOMORROW MORNING! but i juz dun feel like doing anything regarding about my exams. im scared.. wad if i didnt do well this time, wad if when all the formulas are there and i juz cant put my mind together to pick the correct formula and use it on tomorrow's maths exam, same goes to my thermodynamics paper.
i've encountered a problem/question in one of the past year paper i got when i tried doing it. im scared if the same thing come out, i cant think of anything to solve that question.
by the way, im also puzzled y am i giving myself so much stress when it is unnecessary.

listening to music now, but still unable to relief my mind and wadeva im thinking now.. HOW??
maybe i should change another song? come on.. someone pls give me a reply, that is all i need.
maybe bcos now im alone, my mind will run wild( and it has been running wild ever since this morning, which makes me not having the mood to study... but i feel like being alone when studying. so ironic...), with no one laying a helping hand.
maybe bcos i never on the fan, the environment maybe too warm for my brain to function well. i.. seriously dunnoe wad should i do now. it's ok, i will be fine after blogging.

im.. scared. scared that i will do badly bcos i seriously dun have the mood to study, and it has been like that since monday. WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!
maybe.. i should change another topic to study on right now.

thanks to one of my hormone(i dunnoe the name) which helps me regain my calmness after the thoughts of so many things that i have juz wrote.

maybe i should juz give up studying now.. and relax myself. stressing myself wont work for me.. sigh~~ i feel much better now.. and i know wad i should do le.. haha..
wow, i never realised that writing, or blogging, can be such a doctor.

it's as if the juice of sugar cane is stress, and once it is being squashed, squeezed, pressed. im the leftover dried up sugar cane. free from stress, feeling SOOO MUCH lighter.
but.. how i wish i can be as slim as the leftover in real-life.. haha XD

hm.. if u r stress now.. try blogging, it helps! haha.. and maybe go drink up all the sugar cane juice.. haha, im fine now! still able to joke eh~..

so... ENJOY! o.<


Friday, February 02, 2007 @12:31 AM

PHEW... finally!

i think today is the day which we are officially 'release' from all the things we r doing recently.
things like projects, homeworks, practical exams, discussions etc. WOOOHOOO!! three cheers for my classmates and me!! YESH! muahahaha.. feel so relief after all those burdens all of us were carrying these few weeks, can all be settle down with.

hm.. we had our Inorganic and Physical Chemistry(IPC) presentation juz the day before, and had our Thermodynamic's presentation on steam power plant today!

im actually amazed with the very hard work my classmates had put in in their presentation, im talking about darren's group (which includes zhiwei, sebas, li jiong, sarip and darren himself) in case u all wanna know who izzit. they have 30 over slides for a 6% presentation, some of us and somebody like me will think that it is too much for a 10mins presentation. but i think overall they had done the best (although my group did quite well too, i think so! =] ), with almost every detail of a steam power plant mentioned; they are able to answer our questions, except the one which our lecturer asked.

but i think we wont be able to know EVERYTHING of a steam power plant, so all in all, everyone put in great efforts and i also can see that all of us is either getting panda eyes or down with flu, fever etc.

wa.. really a relief man! haha.. so... let us end it with a SMILEY!!

(= taken with my group members for thermodynamics presentation =)



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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