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Thursday, March 22, 2007 @12:24 AM

The Metallic Smile... =D

oh.. finally it is being done. and soon, nightmares are coming.

i dun really know what is the reason for me to put on braces.. maybe im becoming vain, or the vanity in me is starting to unleash.. haha. let's not talk about this...

oh great.. i've had it done juz today! haha, at first i was a little nervous and im all wondering whether it will be painful.
time for me to go into the room, i gave the dentist my dental radiography (X-ray of my teeth).

examine for awhile, notice that actually my teeth looks nice.. haha but the wisdom tooth at the bottom right isn't well grown, and it grows horizontally rather than vertically as it should be.
the dentist said that it has to be removed as it may cause irritation to the other tooth at the bottom row, but im not removing it yet. dunnoe y.. haha

then.. the process starts! Dr chen helped me sterilise my teeth in order to put on the brackets without making it decay (brackets are those small small squarish thing on each tooth). then applied something which can stick the brackets onto my teeth.. oh my lips gone all dry as he puts a sucker to suck out my saliva to prevent from dirtying the sterilised portion of my teeth.

HERE COMES THE BRACKETS! haha.. incoming! one by one he place it on.. it is not pain at all.. haha. then he puts on the metal wire to stabilise the brackets.

'ok, so what colour do u prefer?' the dentist asked.

me: 'erm.. wa.. so many colour arh.. dunnoe leh..' showing me a whole box of plastic thingy which attach the wire to the bracket...

Dr: 'nowadays more ppl put blue'
me: 'erm.. eh.. ok lor'
Dr: 'maybe upper and lower row different colour.. maybe lighter blue for lower ba'

1... 2... 3... poof! it became Ugly Me! haha.. dun feel like mentioning my name here.
after that.. i got this special toothbrush specially for ppl who put braces.

went home.. and around an hour later.. i start feeling abit tight inside my mouth, and gum hurts abit here and there. i tired to close my teeth together.. but i cant, it is painful when the 2 rows meet. gosh.. and i started to regret.. haha, stupid me, i've heed so many advice that it will be painful for a week or so.. but i still cant get use to it..

now, all i can eat are liquified substance.. like congee and milk..
hope these can end REAL soon..
anyway, i think my self-esteem is going negative >.<
shy to smile now.. cos it looks all metallic! as said by wilhemina in ugly betty.. haha, guess that show gave me some courage to put on braces and face the world.. =) maybe i will juz grin

so.. ENJOY those food while u still can.. u never know when ur teeth are.. useless?! LOL


Tuesday, March 06, 2007 @8:06 PM

gosh.. by the way, i have to thank zoey for
introducing me to www.peekvid.com ... haha.. on that website, i can watch ugly betty! woohoo.. BUT, unfortunately, it only has until episode 13 of the first season.. >.<

if u wanna watch it also, go to that website above and link to [home> TV series> Ugly Betty].. haha..

so.. i've updated my blog hor joanna! LOL... go update urs! =)

btw.. if anyone knows where i can get to watch the rest of Ugly Betty.. do tag for me to know.. providing the website and necessary stuff =)
and if MobTv has.. u dun have to tell me.. LOL cos it needs $$ eventhough recently got promotion.. =(

lastly, u really have to watch ugly betty! o.<

Enjoy! heehee (wide grin showing the braces)



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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