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Thursday, April 19, 2007 @7:08 PM

never been blogging for about 1 month! haha.. my apology to readers and blog-hoppers!

actually school had juz started this week, and ya.. before this was holiday, and im too lazy to blogg.. oops. that's y even housefly also yawned... =.= (LOL.. she will kill me as soon as she sees this.. =X )

hm.. i'm still having abit of holiday mood.. and never find school is such a nice place, haha, i guess it's bcos im rotting with work and games in the holiday.. making me so lethargic. but friends alwaes sprinkle fun and laughter everywhere! haha.. phew~~ yupz, the week before school reopen, about half the class(poly clasmates) went for chalet!! weeeeeeee.... aww, miss those days. LOL and it's only a week.

hm.. it has been 4 weeks that i've put on braces.. haha, and zoey brought the UV pen showing us yesterday in lecture. she wanted to colour it on my teeth.. ARGH~~ she IS SOMEONE FROM SPACE!! SIMPLY AUTISTIC.. or ECCENTRIC maybe.. haiz, scientists have wasted time and effort on learning about aliens and people from outerspace. in the end, a retarded one came to earth.. so unfortunate.. LOLX!!

erhemm.. maybe im too 'bo liao' (nothing to do). so wanted to find people to 'suan' (criticise?!)

seriously, no offence to zoey and joanna... =P

hm.. ok la.. nothing else to mention le.. feel so bored.. haiz.. erm.. ok la, i guess i will go catch some TV shows or play games.. =)

ENJOY! o.< need a break now.. hehe =)



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

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  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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