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Monday, October 29, 2007 @6:25 PM

i guess, there wont be anyone reading this post.. but when there is input, there muz be the same output, if things accumulates, it will burst one day.. right?

i know im being hated le, but my actual purpose was to hope, things will talk out, work out, solved.
everyone should know the truth, isnt it the way true friends should be?
everyone will be at fault, including me. y shouldnt everyone juz say everything out and solve them?
everyone who is watching this, should listen to all sides of the story, shouldnt they?

all these are just TOO difficult to fulfill.. are they?
why do u have to hide inside?
why both of u wanna make this friendship shallow?
why? just because of 2 guys, 1 and a half years of friendship juz gone like that?
why? is it worth it?
why should u keep quiet when u know she is ur best friend?
why shouldnt u tell her wad had happened between u and the 2 guys?
why wait for the others to ask, then u might say?
why u didnt tell her not to tell anyone?
why u never help her keep these secrets eventhough she never say they are? i know im not a better friend, i wouldnt know all these unless i ask her or found it out myself.
why not letting her know about others knowing the blog?
why messed up this friendship when u can do something else to patch it back?
seems like im the one who is messing this up, is it? juz like i have said, shouldnt both of u juz talk the secrets, the 不爽, the 不满 out?
what was in ur mind when u r singing 一个像夏天,一个像秋天?
what was the lyrics about? u should know it better than i do..
what happened to all those happy moments we had together?
what are they to both of u now? juz memories? MERE memories?
what have u all forgotten? sakae-ing, k-box-ing, camwhoring, town, vivo, adidas, haircuts, shihlin, chippy, donut factory, nintendo DS-ing, song guessing ETC. maybe there are much much more without me there. and those things are things which we did together..
what will happen after u all cooled down?
isnt it better to solve it earlier?

thinking, it all begins with a misunderstanding about him, her and us back in Hoi An. maybe the trip should be cancelled, but wad's done is done. he shouldnt have acted so strangely there.

so, after this post, maybe u will hate me more, i dont know. i guess everyone will slowly hate me, slowly drifting away, slowly knowing my shortcomings. now im scared of how i should spend the 1 and half years more.

i.. dont want to graduate with no friends taking photo with me. i dont want.

this will be the first post im not enjoying..



Monday, October 15, 2007 @12:45 AM

hmm... yup, i guess it's drifting away

semester 2.2 is starting soon!.. which is like, this coming tuesday! haha.. yays, monday is considered holiday for us now!

the chalet that had passed not long ago with some of my classmates. it is nice! juz.. FULL OF MOSQUITOES... cos we went to Aloha Changi, somemore is the most ulu one, located at the furthest end of the road.. fairy point chalet 1 *chills*

HAHA.. those mosquitoes repellent and all that are no effect on them! haiz.. bear with it for 3D2N~~ this time the chalet isnt as fun as before, not sure why. the night cycling isnt that fun either.. haha juz plain, straight, dark road for us to cycle.. along the changi airport, viewing planes take off and arrive. but before that, we played with sparklers! weee.. haha, like searching our childhood..

barbeque on the 2nd night.. quite alot of our classmates came! haha.. thx darren for ordering so much yummies, but in the end cant finish. haha... there are ppl playing mahjong(with money) and ppl playing matching game with mahjong tiles.. hehehe. YA, let's talk about mahjong, faint, becos of mere miscommunicaton, we brought 3 sets of mahjong there, when there are not that many ppl in the chalet.. HA-HA-HAIYO..

so.. yups, not much about it =/.. hope if there is a next one, it will be better..

school starting.. OH YA! jia,jo,sebas.. when are we going to do the INE??

ENJOY the holi-mondays.. so now is tuesday blues?? haha


Monday, October 01, 2007 @2:53 PM

seriously.. i dunnoe how to tell you when you are angry and not bothering me..

i'm gonna say sorry that i had make u angry.. again. i never had any bad intention or wad, but juz that i tot u r also saying, for fun or joking, that i'm being sarcastic and so i replied.. 'abit'.

honestly, bad sarcasm never came across my mind when im talking to u.. and it was all for fun, when i know u r a friend which can take my jokes. i'm not good with words, i apologise for sounding sarcastic, all i wanted is to chat with u and also expecting a reply.

now, wad's done is done, i only can let time pass and wash away the bad memories. it's the second time i made u angry, guess it's even harder for u to forgive me now.. the most common friends i will chat with now are fh, u, wq and jiaen. it will be hard without u..

i will wait for u to talk to me.. till then, i dunnoe wad to do...

hope u ENJOYed ur birthday...



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
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  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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