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Monday, November 26, 2007 @9:17 PM

woolalah! haha.. long time never use this word le.. hmm..

anyway! im juz back from Astro Fiesta Camp'07! erm.. actually the camp is to invite JCs, Polys and ITE students to come and join us on things about astronomy..

but in the end.. only MJC came.. Meridian.. if i never spell wrong.. my group is Newton! haha, no link RIGHT!.. let me tell u the link.. actually is 牛turn! rather than newton.. but newton seems nicer.. =D

then we call ourselves 'niu' turn, and the theme for the camp is star spark. kinda weird theme.. hmm, but anyway! 'niu' turn, niu means cow, taurus is the contellation symbolizing a cow! and also.. it falls in the winter sky! winter have snow! and when stupid bull knock on some metal or wad not.. it produces spark! WOW! haha.. actually was juz crapping to find a link in between!

so much so.. the first day starts at 7+pm.. which means a 2D2N camp, short ey.. there was a lecture on cosmology.. on the big bang theory, future of the universe and also things probably happened before the big bang.. hm, didnt really absorbed much =P haha.. juz know that our universe will go into a Big Freeze in the future.. hm..

then went to KAP for supper.. went back to the stadium and observe the sky, the moon was especially bright on that day! i saw a double star too.. it's the left star of Gemini, Castor, if im not wrong.. i was told Gemini was made of 2 double star.. double star means, with naked eye it looks like one star, but under telescope, it is actually 2 stars very close to each other! on the left is Castor, right is Pollux.

slept at 3+am, going to wake up at 8.30am.. haiz.. then had breakfast and all.. let's not elaborate on other stuff.. the games we had.. hm, it was kind of fun. the last part, we played butter hill.. WA! first time, it was the smaller slope behind block 50, spread afew canvas sheets and put butter, oil and water.. makes the patch of grass muddy too.. =(
i was the one being stepped on to let the others move on to the top, maybe cos of my size ba.. MUAHAHA.. wadeva. finally everyone went up.. ALL DIRTY!

washing up was such a chore, body starts aching after being stepped.. FAINT! LOL

anyway.. after those, time schedule cocked up and somethings happened.. but forget it..

on sunday, blah blah blah.. haha.. dont feel like continuing le.. =P

i have little concentration time ya?

so.. ENJOY! dont look at the full moon in the telescope for too long, u will get permanently blind! *shock!*


Sunday, November 11, 2007 @5:22 PM

y am i always so stupid?

i know it wont ever happen... but still hoping for a minute chance, which i shouldnt have.
im stupid.. ... ...
need some time to get back to normal ba.
maybe after this post.

you all should ENJOY being loved..


Saturday, November 03, 2007 @9:43 PM

today is so boring.. haiz, actually is bcos i dont wanna do anything about my academics.. =\

played game and then go friendster see see.. go search my primary schools friends' profile.
then i found out.. we've all grown up, handsome one handsome, pretty one pretty. except for me.. haha, me being superficial.

and also, maybe cos during our times in primary school, handphones and cameras are not so commonly used.. right? i guess if cameras are more common then, we could have taken more photos, more memories.

back to the profile viewing, we have all grown up, and i think as if all of them knows wad to do and wad their future will be like.. but i have no ideas of my future, my love life, my social circle, etc. thinking that i am still slacking here while friends are having their A levels, mugging for their future.

viewing their pictures, all became more matured, im happy for them! but thinking that wad if we meet each other next time, will they still remember me? will they recognise each other? the feelings im having now, so weird, wad will happen in the future?

seeing any of my classmates becoming:
an entrepreneur?
an engineer?
a designer?
a pilot?
a cleaner?
an author?
a firefighter?
a scientist?
a commando?
a famous artiste/idol/singer/movie star/comedian?
a hawker cook or a chef in the world class restaurant?
a member in the parliament?
a lesbian or gay or juz not being normal?
normal office worker?
a slacker?
a well-known sportsman/woman?
a supervisor?
the big boss of a mass production line?
a gambler?
parents with 4 kids or more!?
the lawyer?
an air stewardess/steward?
a teacher/lecturer/professor?
a music conductor?
a musician?
a housewife/taitai?
an accountant/auditor?
the president?
a principal?
a castaway?
a foreign talent of another country?
a tour guide?
a librarian?
a doctor/nurse/dentist/acupuncture master?
a salesperson?
a bartender?
a poledancer?
another famous blogger like xiaxue?
a director? [and i will watch ur films! =) ]

there are more of course! with so much job scope, i dont know wad my future will be like.. and also, i actually thought that the course im studying now is MORE on chemistry and biology, but in the end, juz becos of the 'Engineering' word, the whole course became 'physic-ise', haiz.. it's not wad i actually wanted.
also, hearing wad mr ong had mentioned about the reports we need to do for our final year, makes me feel, retarded! although mostly are calculations, but setting up a plant, it feel so out of grasp.

i feel that my life seems to have no meaning, why living in a world when u dont know the purpose of being here?
juz to waste resources?
juz to destroy the habitats of other animal species in order to survive?
juz to grow older to reproduce and increase population?
juz to study for now and contribute in ur later life?
juz to transfer knowledge to the next generation?
juz to let evolutions take place?

i've digressed way too far, it seems boring.

ENJOY the meaningless life while u still can! =)


Friday, November 02, 2007 @10:52 PM


now that i read my previous post again, it makes me feel like a hypocrite, as if im 博取同情。

i mean the last few paragraphs..

anyway, i guess im seeing wad i wanted to see now! SMILES!
*happy sigh* hope the previous post did have some 效果。本来还想要找个更有POWER的字,可是vocab有限。

OK, today, friday, i should be having astro, but instead i went for my HI!club opening ceremony.. haha. AND a big 收获that my seniors sign the song 'Same Script Different Cast'! oh gosh, i think it was difficult to sign! haha.. im fascinated. all the performance were wonderful! and some of the new members are fast learners! haha, hope they wont forget right after the event... =.=

k la, shall keep this short.. as no one is really interested in all these ba..

ENJOY the SMILES! heehee =D



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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