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Friday, December 28, 2007 @2:54 AM

hey hey! the holidays are coming to an end, which also marks how long i've never blogged =P

this holiday, i had done the most things! and also enjoyed myself in most of the activities! hehe.. there are a whole bunch of things which i had done with my friends and relatives! =) NICE!

starting of holiday, erm.. saturday and sunday was for me to slackk, weee.. then monday morning went for anchem lesson and went for the camp after that. eventhough i've missed many meetings with my classmates, but the camp was rather fun. ESPECIALLY THE NIGHTWALK! 2 friends and i took a station in the night walk at block 52 level 6, a creepy dark corridor which i might be afraid to go in if im alone. lalalala.. had fun scaring ppl, but im a scaredycat too, haha.. no choice ma, they tell me to help, how can i not help leh?! (giving a 欠扁 face)
OK.. so the camp lasted till wednesday evening. went home super tired, but went out to have dinner with mum. nice treat from her, ichiban! so went back home at around 10+ i guess, bathe and surf net awhile then go orh orh liao..

thursday! weee, went out with fh, ast, sebas, zoey and jo for movie at vivo! the national treasure! the tix cost $9.50 cos it was hari raya haji. bought the tix at 12+ reaching 1pm and we are watching the 1:25pm show! so we rush to carl's jr. to eat.. amazing right?! gobbled down the big burgers and fries and onion rings and drinks in juz approximately 20mins! it's applausibe for jo cos she normally eats VERY slow.. stressing the VERY =) stress again, VERY

the show is nice! after the show, was normal routine of arcade-ing, shopping and looking at ppl, cos vivocity, mostly are ppl walking around Muahaha.. ast left, fh left shortly.. and left the 4 of us still carry on walking, took mrt to city hall and get the diary(organiser) which zoey wanted, then went to makan curry. mmm.. the curry was nice and im not a food critic, so dont really know how to judge, but i still likes jap curry! yum yum! went to raffles city and saw the waterworks! it is soooo beautiful, the fountain of wealth is big, but the one in raffles city is beautiful! it was actually on and off of water jets lining up, flowing down like raining, making shapes if watch in a whole. i think picture paints a thousand words, so go see it urself! it's seriously nice, it will change design after some time. but 别期望太高, cos it is a small small area only, at the sides of the new shops located in the middle of the mall.
shop awhile after that, then head home. a happy day that is!

friday morning woke up.. went with my uncle to his son's, my cousin, sec sch to register! haha, cos my cousin went taiwan! i wanna go overseas too.. sad. anyway, after that then went to grandma house and helped her prepare food, table and chairs to 祭拜祖先, but due to waking up too early and slept late the previous night, i was sleepy and went to sleep! haha, SORRY AHMA! in the end i still helped ok! LOL
left ahma house at about 6pm to meet up with xhj, hq kor, sanjie and her bf to celebrate hq kor's bdae! actually his birthday was over for like 2 weeks! haha, paiseh la, but still celebrated.. wee,


saturday went back to ahma house again, cos it is 冬至, so go there to eat 汤圆!and of cos other delicacies which ahma made.. then at night, went to erjie's friend's house to bake cookies and brownies! haha, say bake but was actually 'help' them eat the food only! OOPS hehehe. from 8+ bake till 12+am! wow, 3 rounds of brownies and 3 rounds of cookies, it's nice *wink* hang around and chit-chatted until 4am then head home. fun! =)

sunday, was planning to get a present for the christmas exchange with kelvin, jl, jia and zoey, so wanted to go out. juz nice er jie ask sanjie, xhj and me if we wanna go have dinner at ajisen, IMM. thanks erjie! weeee.. cos im penniless le, LOL but took some money from piggybank to buy the present. ate spicy cha shu ramen and as usual i will 'rain' even if air-conditioned hahaha, shouldnt have believe the spicy meter indicated on the menu, having 2 spicy-ness icon. next time i will juz stick to non-spicy ones.

monday, christmas eve! im late to meet kelvin and jl at first, but still the first one to meet them. brought mahjong tiles, HEAVY.. and went to cold storage at bugis to meet with jiaen and buy roasted chickens, salads, chips, salsa sauce and drinks. zoey, being abit muddle-headed and also my fault of keep changing the location to meet, made extra trips but still met with us at the cold storage, hahahaha. took bus and reached hotel 1929 at outram park. mmm, the room is quite small but cosy and contented. haha, played monopoly in laptop, reaction game?! then jo and sebas came to join us in the evening. ate sumptuous dinner at 11, countdown to christmas! eating chips, drank a bottle of red wine which jl sponsored! thx dude! playing 5-10-15 of 6 ppl single-handed and forfeit is to drink the whisky mixed 7up/green tea. played till 2+am then can see most of them r already red. haha, but me and zoey still not. poor blood circulation for me.. haiz. then jiaen had to go home le, cos her mum doesnt allow her to stay over. =(

ended up, heard from jiaen that jl and kelvin vomitted but we never.. wee, Ok sort of slept in the room and woke up early cos too cold, went down and walk around to let heat transfer! haha, went back when kelvin called as he jio me to the jacuzzi, but dont wan la.. paiseh! LOL, sorry! went for mac breakfast then head home le.. which is christmas that day! tuesday.

erjie was at home too, sanjie and erjie told me later going to try and persuade parents to go shangri-la buffet.. i know u r shock, i was shock too! $60+ per person.. whoa~~~ then bathed and slept, told them to wake me up when going. and due to some, i would say, misconception and misinterpretation resulting in.. no more family dinner. ehh.. anyway, let's proceed to the next day!

wednesday, was able to wake up quite late heeheeheehee. then met ah feng and ah wei to catch a movie at night.. hm, "i am legend" is quite a nice movie, but juz abit scary if u r young, cos they are infected by a virus, looking like voldemort with ears! haha..

thursday, wanted to gym in school, but the gymwerkz is closed for maintenance! of all days, it has to be under maintenance from 25th dec to 1st jan 2008.. haiyo. so a change of plan and went to marina square instead! window shopping and ate dinner from 5-8pm, then went to meet erjie and catch a movie again! wa.. seriously need someone who can 养我!但我不要像小白脸一样!how arh? i think im a bi. =X erm.. enough of digress..

went to watch "across the universe", at first tot it was quite a nice movie, but.. it was artistic in the end, or i wasnt really paying attention, the film 70% was singing, 15% dont know wad is the link to the story and 15% was the main story.. hm... as 70% was singing, I WANT THE SOUNDTRACKS! some of them are nice.

OK! so finally im here to blog about all these! haha, i really, seriously, absolutely enjoyed my last-able-to-slack holiday. did u? =)

there are few more days, ENJOY!!!! lala la lalaaaa.. i miss some of my sec schmates, heroes and ugly betty.. LOLOLOL


Sunday, December 16, 2007 @12:48 AM

a compo, full of errors, coming ur way! that is if u wanna carry on reading, hehe..

oh, finally common test is over. big relief, big disappointment. friday was the last paper.. Occupational Health and Safety. haiz.. big mistake man! i think i wont be doing well in the module, so even if there is no more INE for me, still cant get all A's.. after finishing the paper, abit no mood to go out =\.. haha, but still went out. it sucks big time ROOOAAAARRR!!

mm.. so, after the ohs hell paper, some complaining lack of sleep. hmm, split ways.. (im sorry fuhao, pangseh u.. but u went home chiong games or nodame right!) at first followed zhiminandjolyn to go town and meet zoey, zm>crumpler,zoey>harmonica,me>slippers,jolyn>walkingzombie.. haha! while waiting for zoey, we went to heeren first, to get my slippers! weee, finally changing the frictionless slipper of mine.. went to NUM, oh getting a proper one, haha, i shall not elaborate on my suagu-ness of choosing that pair of slippers with the help from zhiminandjolyn.. HAHAHA, thx nannies! OOPS.
i got a 'tuky tuky', that is wad they call it for a blingbling stud on the slipper, for free. nothing beats free things, especially for typical singaporeans like ME! hurhurhur..

after meeting zoey, went to eat first.. was so hungry then! haha, actually went in LJS at cineleisure, but only one counter open?! then the queue was long.. =\ so.. we went to erm, some hongkong restaurant? haha, being suagu again, my first time inside eventhough will always walk pass it when go cine 2nd floor. went in, then saw 2 familiar faces! zoey spot them first! haha, sat at the corner, rather good view of them. talking about them, using our menus to cover our face with eyes wide open staring at them!.. then act as if like paparazzi! o.O muaha.. quite high, but tired. mm, the food was ok =) but the atmosphere, especially with them, was nice!

head down to paragon for zhimin to buy her friend's present. can feel the place was sprinkled with christmas glitters! (ok, sucks at using metaphor or whatever it's called) was chatting about the harmonica zoey was deciding on in paragon while taking bus to PS for it. oh, as usual when looking at instruments, juz wanna brag abit =P saw quite afew size of harmonica, haha and zhimin told zoey to buy the big big one! LOL, end up buying a rather small one, slightly smaller than a moderate handphone. walk around inside yamaha, then saw a I-FORGOT-WHAT-INSTRUMENT-WAS-THAT-CALLED instrument, hope zoey still remembers. i juz remember the actual shape of that woodwind instrument wasnt suppose to be juz like an oboe.

zhimin went home after that, so we called joanna (with zhiwei,lijiongandsebas) and they were at heeren, so took bus 700 accompanying jolyn for awhile as she wanna go home zzzz KO herself. missing the actual bus stop, alight behind taka and walk there. haha, waited 3 traffic lights across and went back to cine! HAHAHA, but lj juz went there to buy drink. blaming on me that i never tell lj and gang that we r previously at PS, we made an extra move of going back and forth, haha. whatever! it's nth better to do anyway, but let zoey run around with me, im sorry!!

so, still back at dhoby ghaut, go to the arcade at the MRT station there, haha. now then i know someone likes catching doll in the arcade, although i knew that the machine is a scammer with little odds to 中奖, but still nice seeing them analyzing the position for grabs. played the usual basketball, daytona and shooting game. haha.. im not really into arcade games, maybe cos i wasnt brought up that way ba. sorry if im a spoilsport! woot!

but before going to the arcade, we went to the cathay first, to check out the slippers in adidas for sebas. sadly, no more on display.. wondering wad will happen to all the stocks after the clearance sales, where will they go in the next season?

after the arcade, we went back to cathay! haha, CHILL lah brrraader(bird style!!) erm, internal joke, see if u get it anot. when staying in starbucks, our main topic is "so what are we going to do on monday, after anchem lesson". digressed left, digressed right then from 5+ till sky turns dark.. the outcome is i guess, cancelled? not sure, have to confirm again.. had a great time chatting, crapping, reasoning, deciding and 被骗-ing..

around 8+, they head home, but i went to meet 3jie and xhj in lan.. LOL, wasnt those kind which likes lan too.. =X went out for dinner myself =(.. all alone, but felt really tired after that. mm, maybe the morning mood swing still havent cease ba muahahaha... so told xhj and 3jie that i go home first..

hm, so i think that's about all for the friday i've spent! i felt really guilty that i never go astro on that day.. argh, sorry! but, i wont have enjoyed myself as much as i've enjoyed with classmates!


juz hope i wont fail for that paper.. for now, ENJOY! +.= HOLIDAYS!


Sunday, December 09, 2007 @2:20 AM

pls give me an obvious hint, cos i might not have catched the hint when u did it before. a very obvious one, for my low intellectual capacity.



Tuesday, December 04, 2007 @1:58 AM

ARGH.. many things to complete for 2projects.. slack here awhile.

juz now when i was bathing.. dont know why suddenly think of the past.. haha

some childish moments..

last time.. there are those channel 8 TV shows at the primetime, 7-9pm, which has like.. laws and all those shows about lawyers.. then being an innocent me (hurhurhurhur) thinks that.. whatever quarrels will eventually END UP IN COURT! MUAHAHA.. like.. if i quarrel with u, then u will tell ur parents and i will tell mine.. and the quarrel gets bigger and bigger and 垴上法庭!哈哈哈哈哈。。。i dont know why is that 'nao'

maybe that is why i dont really quarrel with people last time, making me an easy target to be bullied. but luckily got some nice friends! heeeheeee...

recently i juz received the stefanie sun's OLD song.. the 我怀念的。and man, im quite addicted to it.. haha, tried to sing along with it, OK MIND WITH MY SINGING PLS, F3 FACE.
haiz.. sometimes really 'huai nian' those times we had together.. be it you you you or you! haha.. i know you r reading.. LOL, that one got it from some commercial ads last time..

OK la.. now it's 2+ am loh.. need to sleep le.. tml 7+ wake up 9am lesson..

haha, actually is cos someone say i never update.. so i update abit lor.. =P
ya MIN.. 吓死你,吓死我,吓死他!haha.. being lame..

ENJOY! o.< a good night sleep which i cant be enjoying. haha



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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