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Monday, January 28, 2008 @1:44 AM

extreme paranoia...

ENJOY!... ... ...


Tuesday, January 01, 2008 @3:34 PM

school is starting soon.. and im trying to do some homework, but, no mooooooooodddddd.

anyway, i was looking through the fick's law.. in wikipedia. it looks so intimidating, but i wonder, wad r the ppl in JCs studying..? i feel like studying ALL the science and maths in JCs, juz SCIENCE and MATHS! i think that the things im studying are juz part of the things that i wanted, i wanted to know more, know more.. it's like i want to know more, before i turn 20, when i will juz become a normal adult. i think my brain is slowing down already. i want to know how the JC students studies, and all their science, bio,chem,physics and mathssss.. when i heard the main thing which the poly students cant cope well in university is their maths, comparing to JC students. im wondering wad actually did the JC students did in their maths, which makes such a big difference in our syllabus.

i want to know how much r they studying in bio and chem and physics, and heard about quantum mechanics being very tough, i want to experience it. bio and chem, how many types of experiments they actually done. knowing how different atoms behave and more in depth about cells, chemistry in cells, photons, E=mc^2, or all theeeeese and others. i believe those i mentioned will juz be a small part learnt in JC.. right?

why so much knowledge is found of this world, yet we cant have them all. i feel like knowing more, so short of time, also 心有余而力不足。我知道自己很矛盾,说想要学,但是又不想要有太多压力。me being lazy, also dont like to read too much or stay in the library to flip the pages, i cant really absorb that way. it's better if there's a teacher who can teach me all these. i want to know more, so as to be someone mastering in some subjects which i will be proving or discovering formulas like einstein (not that holy of cos). i wish to make this world a better place by proving some, or juz one, very useful formula for the ppl. i dont find myself useful at all to this world, for now, it seems im juz another person living, meaningless.

but, all those are juz thoughts it seems.. haha, let's be realistic ya? haizz.. those stuff, happens in wooolalah's world! u wan me to take u on a journey? bring a hammer, spanner or anything hard with u.. =)

ENJOY! =\ y do we learn differentiation and integration, i only know about distance, velocity and acceleration in applications.. how they put it into formulas..? seems interesting. haha



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
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  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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