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Thursday, February 21, 2008 @10:05 PM

all the more excuses not to study for OHS.. juz so no mood liao. haha!

bcos i know that i cant get the grades i like now.. haha
with wadeva i can do right after the exam ends, makes me have more excuses not to study cos was thinking of all those stuff.. haiz. mixed feeling now.

maybe i should have a different kind of thinking right? LOL; rather than to digress on other things and thinking that no matter how much i work on it, i still wont be getting any better grades; but to no matter wad will be the results, still carry on studying for the last shot.

well. i think for some of cases, no matter how hard i try.. =\ will be the same ba.. but.. Ok, enough said. OHS lecture note time.. haiz..

ENJOY! righ after exams! woohoo.. o.<


Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @10:27 PM

HEYHEY! this is the 50th post! by popular demands from my blog reader's HAHA!(only 2 person reply in my tag.. miserable) i've posted the pics of CNY! WOOHOO APPLAUSE! but i didnt take too much photo of myself and with other ppl.. so here they are! haha.. erm and also, due to me not being familiar with uploading photos, they are not in sequence.. heehee.. mind me =P

so.. we didnt took any photo on CNY eve.. it was normal steamboat and 围炉! ate until very very full.. but did not stay there for very long. went home and played 'labi'! lost 9 bucks to my dad.. with 1 cent per point.. and my parents played 10cents per point with each other.. that is if someone win the game with no one putting any cards down yet.. it will be DOUBLE that of ur deck points.. and they played so big.. wa, they are crazy! =X

Ok.. so anyway, it was CNY! weeee.. went to my ergu's (2nd aunt's) house to make up! my cousin helped me put on eye-liner also.. hehe! but it's not that obvious on the pics..

this is the 4 of us who played gothic... ... or rather being 'style'? haha.. our style! haiyo.. my eyebags are like.. =.=

and this! haha, was taken right after they make-up-ed.. erm, my expression was kinda weird.. haha!

this pic.. from right to left, xhj, shufang, ahpei, 3jie,ahwei. see where xhj is aiming! LOL ahpei also 配合! haha...

erm.. Ok DONT SEE 3JIE'S HANDSIGN! DONT! haahaaahaaaaaa... cos everyone is aiming her BIG breast.. LOLOLOL, JUICY! *wriggle eyebrowsss*

yup, and this is jasper kor.. aiya, cos we went to ahma house too late, his family is going off le, so didnt took much photos with him! mmm.. he's so style.. compare to me.. aiyo, SPOILING THE PIC! MUAHA..

k, wrong sequence again, this was took right after making up.. haha.. 3jie, me and ahmei-jie

haha, this is taken by ahmei-jie, as we were hailing for cab.. but, on first day of CNY! wa, very difficult to hail one.. haha, but lucky there is someone stopping nearby, so we hop in! woohoo! nd that's y we r even later..

in the morning of first day, it was my fault to make everythings on the schedule to be pushed back.. haha. im sorry! 3jie and cousin!

and after all the 拜年,我和堂妹堂弟还有小姑,小姑丈一起去打保龄球!真是一个很不同的大年初一!

OK! so that's all for the first day, the second day was spent at ergu house again! to have steamboat! again also.. haha, but this is nice too. wow, the soup which ergu made is juz SOOOO nice... (was trying to get a better word, but still put 'nice' after 5minutes of thought.. =.=)

3jie, ahwei, me and xhj.. haha! dont u think everyone look super different from the first day of CNY?? ROFL!

this is another pic! haha.. with ahpei inside.. actually got more ppl.. ahfeng, ahmei-jie, ahjian-jie, gisele-baby, genevieve-baby and ergu not inside! haha.. babies are juz SO CUTE.. more joy!

okok.. so this is it.. actually there are ALOT of camwhoring pics of xhj and 3jie.. but not showing here ba, the pics sent to me are limited too.. haha

ENJOY! ARGH.. exams coming.. always liddat, and always no mood to study.. btw, is this the post i posted the most pics? HEEHEEHEE.. o.<



Sunday, February 03, 2008 @7:39 PM

woolalah! haha, never really been blogging for a month! hoho

erm, anywayzz.. had fun buying clothes and all for Chinese New Year! weee.. Ok.. fashion words.. now then i learnt 2 words.

Vest - the 外套 or normally a coat use to make u more style! haha, many designs but, it does not cover ur sleeve and is less formal than a normal tuxedo or coat. worn with collar shirt or blouse

Legging - a stretchable fitting kind of cloth material which normally girls wear them. its a kind of pants that fits ur thigh properly and can see the figure of ur legs.. normally worn when wearing a mini dress, to prevent from exposing ur undergarments.. i suppose?! =P

haha.. now come to think of it, was said that going to be gothic.. actually not that gothic-ly la.. juz going to put on make ups like..
eye-liner(should be),
black nail polish!(maybe),
contact lens?!(dont know man!),
wax hair(yup! haha, see how i look, dont vomit!)
black skinny(dont think so, wearing the dark blue one ba =\)

i've bought a vest and a shirt le.. thx 3jie, cousins and friends! weee.. but going to get a new pair of shoes ba.. haha, my covered shoes string coming out, both sole already have big holes, white become yellow.. LOLOLOL!

hm, Ok slacking over.. need to do ENV proj.. haiz, CNY coming, cant really enjoy, exams are one week after CNY!.. =.=


but still.. ENJOY! CNY coming! WoOoOoOoLaLaH!



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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