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Saturday, March 15, 2008 @9:55 PM

hey hey.. these are some of the pics taken from science centre, after watching at the omni-max theatre. it shows the planets and stuff.. starting from Apollo, the Sun. all are the roman gods.

Mercury, the messenger

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty

Gaea, Earth goddess

Diana/ Luna, goddess of moon, animals and hunting

Jupiter, King of Roman Gods

Saturn, god of reaping

Neptune, god of the sea

Uranus, father of Saturn

wow.. i like neptune the most.. how i wish i have those abdominal muscles.. LOL! erm, i think the earth goddess looks abit like mariah carey.. the face only! XD and.. i dont know y there is no Mars and Pluto here.. and moon seems quite extra.. haha.

Ok.. that's all, just wanna share these nice pics.. at least i think they are nice =)

the next thing, the tap in my toilet is having a serious leak; like.. every 30mins, it can fill up a red big pail! it means that the valve inside the tap is worn and doesn't sits properly? haha, so i changed the tap for the first time! woohoo.. quite a compliment for myself! 鼓掌鼓掌!

tada! ok, it's blur.. on the right side is the old one, and the left is brand new! hehehehe..

ENJOY! o.<.. erm, fruitful cptp; fun practicals; scary exams; profound/tiring lectures; nice teachers. *nod nod*


Monday, March 10, 2008 @10:23 PM

hm.. well it has been two weeks spending my holidays! haha..

the first week was the most precious week of slacking, going out and have fun! haha.

this is the pic of me slam on the plastic wall! LOL was acting.. obviously. OK! we had fun iceskating on tuesday in the first week, was just waking on the ice instead of skating like pros. f3 face. it was meant to be a class outing.. and the buffet dinner at sakura, JWSRC, was quite fun! haha.. chatted with our lecturer-in-charge, Dr Lim. all was good! =)
and.. im still fat looking at the pic below LOL!

Ok.. erm i sort of forget wad happened for like the rest of the days.. but only remembered i went to ahma house and harrass my ahma! muahaha..

thursday, accompanied my er-shu to bring ahma for check-up and had dinner with them.

friday.. i forgot wad happened.. haha, paiseh. and saturday slacked.. and went to ahma house too! cos too free, went there to have dinner. heehee

Ok.. sunday, it was 2nd of March. 3rd of March was my 3rd sis's bday! so my da-jie and her hubby brought us to Science Centre.. haha, so long never been there.. was rather refreshing! went to omni-max theatre, caught 'MUMMIES', wasnt wad i expected it to be; being less interesting than wad i had thought it to be. back to the main building.. still, one day isnt enough to see and try out everything lined up for u! mmm.. see how ba, maybe a second trip there next time! o.<

then my family had dinner together.. it was like super damn long since the 7 of us (including dajie's hubby) had dinner together. we had FISH & CO.! woohoo.. 我的第一次就献给了他们!哈哈哈。。。it wasnt as nice as i expected it to be.. guess botak jone's is more worth it.. at least cheaper.. haha! maybe i chose the wrong dish =P

i love the mood and warmth when all of us were together. wait till next time..

then.. monday was the start of CPTP.. LOL a tiring day and went to bugis to have dinner at Seoul Garden, celebrating sanjie's bday! =) yummy.. wa, just these few days and im having buffets all the while.. eesh, seriously gaining weight.. ok.. here, wishing 3jie a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! hehehehe..

ok, i guess that's about all, gotta wake up at 6am tml! 加油加油加油!

ENJOY! bloated.. *BURPzzzz*! LOL



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


  • -SaN jIe-
  • -XiAo HuI jIe-

  • -ShUfaNg-

  • -HaNqUaN kOr-

  • -*DuNeArN BaNd!!*-
  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
  • -|JiA eN|-
  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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