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Sunday, May 25, 2008 @12:53 AM

hey hey.. juz feel like blogging.. haha. ok, so how about.. imagining different types of world.

world no. 1

if human beings really evolved and become ppl like x-men and heroes. the whole world will be a better place! weeeee.. ok that's my point of view. it may have a negative effect too.. imagining the powers of weather controlling, self-regeneration, healing, persuasion, mind-reader, telekinetic, technopathic, brute strength, invisibility, sound, pressure, radiation, teleportation, time/space-traveller, nullification, illusion, elasticity, pyrokinesis, light, element manipulation, thermodynamic, electricity, power absorption, prediction, levitation(flying), acceleration, underwater, plant/cells manipulation, geographic manipulation, animal communication, duplication, biological warfare, memory, intangibilty, dream-walker, clairvoyance, toxic/poison secretion, pheromone manipulation, senses/body evolution, shapeshift etc etc.

ok, will continue next time! =)

ENJOY! flood the tag if u have more powers!


Sunday, May 11, 2008 @11:12 PM

AAA!! juz went to cut my hair today.. bullshit hair, not posting.. haha.. Nvm. oh ya! my sis came back this weekend. haha, so used her cam phone to take the medicine! hehehe.. nothing better to do..

erm.. sorry lazy to change it to straight pics.
isn't this colourful? haha.. juz like.. chlorine(blue), Oxygen gas molecule(orange) and carbon atom(black of cos).. woot!

the blue pills are Loperamil, woot! see the use of it.. for gastroenteritis or inflammatory bowel DISEASE! *shock* erm.. dont know wad does the gastroenteritis means.. u may wanna link it and see for urself!
next, the orange pill is Buscopan, the active ingredient is Butylscopolamine. use to treat pain and discomfort caused by abdominal cramps, MENSTRUAL cramps, or other SPASMODIC activity in the digestive system.. wow! IM SPASTIC! LOL
the last one.. black pills, as most of us know.. it is charcoal 125mg.. Ok, nothing special, use to treat diarrhoea also.. haha. but, quite a big dose, 125mg! looked in wiki, doesnt have any medication charcoal except for Ibuprofen (activated charcoal). lots of trade names it has, haha
Ok! that's all.. waaa, tml got WISP presentation.. hope i wont screw up and 害到我的同伴们,更不想拖累他们!i will try my best.
but i really suck at presenting, researching etc. i suck at IS =( but mobile robotics isnt that bad.. haha!
btw, the weather nowadays is weird.. it rains heavily when we r sleeping.. have to wake up and close the window in the middle of the night.. how helpful for a good night sleep.. ok, im bad at sarcasm.
still.. ENJOY! *snore* zzZ.zZz.zz.Zzz


Sunday, May 04, 2008 @12:58 AM

lalalala.. on friday, actually wanted to watch ironman.. =\

but, got no more student offer, which means an $8.50 for that 2hrs.. not worth, so never watch

thought tiong bahru plaza was an ulu place.. but i sort of have some impression of going there before. i remembered my families went there for dinner or wad celebration.

mmm... went to beppu, and im really sorry to ___. ate only a yogurt icecream cos i was full after havin lunch at sim and im scared if im going to eat a ramen, my tummy will fail me again.. ast and fh recommend, next time i shall try. the strawberry kisses(yogurt icecream) is nice. =)

talking about tummy, i guess the doctor said gastritis.. i was ok on wednesday morning, but my stomach starts to feel uneasy in the afternoon. had diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.. wa, never know cramps are so, unbearable.
thx zm, zw and mh for completing the cel without me, im so grateful.
zw lend me some ointment to rub on my stomach, accompanied me to the toilet as i look real weak, and also bought a coffee for me.
zm wanted to buy chocolate for me as i ask for one, so she took her own money, went down to emart and back to tell me that the aunty wasnt around. i think she took less than like 30secs to come back, zm, did u run down and run back up to inform me? so she go ask from the other room for sweets, and i think that polo was.. jolyn's? whoevers, still thx!

i was really grateful to both of u 谢谢你们!even in the times when cel has not enough ppl to do the exp, but still taking care of this burden. 我又在一次的拖累了你们,真得非常抱歉!

then called dad to bring me to clinic, but he needs to mend the shop, so he called 二叔 to come. seen the doctor, had the medicine, now feel better. (actually wanted to post the medicine, but no cam.. shall post it next time when 3jie is around, hehehhehehe)

ok, ENJOY! now feel constipated =( how to get diarrhoea without feeling more pain than normal shit? haha.. guess it's gross..



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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