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Monday, October 27, 2008 @11:34 PM

hey. happy deepavali! =) hahaa..

ENJOY! nice no-work-weekday..


Sunday, October 26, 2008 @12:45 AM

Ok! i guess it's been 3 weeks since i've blogged. erm, still dont know wad to blog about leh.. haha.

the 8th weeks had gone by, and i didnt fill up the logbook at all. heard from mirko that it's not necessary and isn't graded. haha, maybe it was juz a notebook ba, for juz to jot down new stuffs.

and right now, i still cant really rmb all the things that were happening around me during attachment. bad brain power, haizz... 老了真的就是这样子的吗?

so now i know wad will i be expecting everyday. writing down all the tasks for the contractors to do =\ drawing the small area which needs to be improved in the plant. like leaking, unplugging, shutting down, repairing, servicing, blinding, LOTO etc. woo... blame on myself that i always never listen in OHS class. now then understand how important it is, sorry mr patrick. but u were boring too. =X oops

after making those job scopes for them, then will be lunch, then more of it. so the plant is split into many sections. our site has water treatment, hydrocracker, aromatics plant etc. while the others got visbreaker, vacuum, amine plant etc. these are juz some of the common ones that we know inside the drums and pipes maze...

i also didnt note down anymore points into my own notebook le. cos it's quite busy nowadays. and dont feel like doing anything after work. everyday was facing the computer. now also dont really wanna on lappy to play for a few hours. see until eyesight also abit.. blurry.

Ok.. so who has started typing their interim report?? juz 1 more month to the due date. how r we going to hand it in? the teacher will come? obc havent come at all. 8 weeks already.. guess zw and jolyn also havent ba. or we have to go back sch to hand in. weekends? lazzzzzzzzzzzzy. haha

recently at home, got some routine. woo! now okto has come out, was chasing the avatar. haha childish right? i know. then in the usa will air heroes on monday, which is our tuesday, so search for it on wednesday. apparently the weekdays (except for wednesday) will have nothing much to do after work. then come saturday, will watch ugly betty and naruto manga. haha. so boring right? sunday nothing to do at home too.

hmm... dont really like hk shows. tw shows are nice, but dont have the urge to continue the series (juz straightaway watch the ending haha, 命中注定我爱你is nice i muz admit, sometimes stupid though haha.) anime also dont feel like 追-ing. english shows.. house nice? desperate housewives nice? prison break nice? grey's anatomy nice? 我也懒得追看了。。。

haha. so that's about it. gonna sleep le. now my bed is in a bad position. i usually sleep facing right side, but my window is on the right side of the bed and when it's morning, the light will shine in and i cant sleep anymore, too bright =\ now adapting to sleep facing left side. how i miss those big Big BIG trees once outside the window... haiz. it's hard to explain. maybe next time i'll illustrate on it.

ENJOY ur attachment/ work/ presentation/ research/ shopping/ overseas! everything will end in twice the time we have gone through now; 16 more weeks. though i wanna stay awhile longer to see a part of the plant shutting down in march. haha, hope i can =]


Sunday, October 05, 2008 @1:39 AM

just something i wanna share... hehehehe

yupz.. this was where we went on 26th sept. farewell dinner for TP interns. woot!
actually wanna have ESTON @cathay (edited).. or something liddat de restaurant to have dinner.. ashley treating.. but long queue.. and guess what.. we saw sg(geok), if u know who i mean, with her bf. haha queueing too. it's too long. so we went ps. looklookseesee then go feicui. =\
but still nice! thx ashley. (he's one of the TP interns)
so after which we went to clarke quay via NEL. walk around the clubbing/pubs area.. planned to chill and talk.. so we settled at hooters. for more pics, can go to yongjun's blog! juz click on joshua>yongjun. he has a list for bloghoppers too! =)
haha, about that pic, first time i find that.. my chin or lower half of my face.. is quite attractive! HAHAHAHA.. BHB right!
so, as for attachment, juz finished the 5th week! 19 more to go! 加油 1AO2 and CBE ppls! put 1AO2 cos some of us gone to 3AO3 for pharma. =)
OTOTOTOT = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ = no life.. weeeeeeeeeee
ENJOY everybody! wad's the time now.. got to sleep!



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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  • -YiFanG =)-

  • -JiN JiE!-

  • -`ShAnGyInG`-
  • -PeI pEi a.k.a. XP-
  • -MaPLeSEA ^-^-
  • -ShULinG-
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  • -\JoShUa/-
  • -$JroX$-
  • -YoNg JuN-
  • -JiE YiNg-
  • -ShAnG GeOk-
  • -WeI SuAn-
  • -WeI KiAt-


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