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Sunday, December 28, 2008 @1:08 PM

weeeeee... alright, let's not start with 'so long never blog liao', cos it might be very common for me now.. haha

and... a late merry christmas to all of u. =) AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

blogging today was about.. ME! watching 4 movies for this week! WOOHOO.. my record.

on christmas, went out with pri sch friends. caught YES! man and Twilight!
Yes man was light and funny haha, worth the laughter.

Twilight was awesome, making vampires the most deadly predators.

The Cullen family! WoOoOoooOOooo..

The tree jumping scene. haha, spidermonkey!, or was it monkeyspider. the romance, awww.. at first edward seems so bad, the wind blows over bella and he's covering his nose. as if she got BO. LOL. but actually he was craving for her blood.
seriously go see for urself, though some parts feel abit draggy. BUT nice, baseball, vampire style! room with no bed, a door leading to the forest with no platform, the diamond skin under sunlight. the vampire family is juz so cool. i find Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene) quite pretty eh! she got the 3D game character's face/looks.

cant wait for all the 4 books to go on the big screen! this is juz like harry potter. haha.

juz yesterday, went out with sisters to have dinner and movies.

yup, the photo of Ip Man and Bruce Lee, Ip Man's disciple,

and 甄子丹 is really cool in the movie (like obviously, he's the main actor!) haha. with super fast reaction, fist, punches etc. damn nice also. worth it! see how he kill the japs, crack their joints, punch their nose.
then carry on to watch Bedtime Stories.

yup, raining gumballs. was kind of a kiddy movie, as the name implies, but it's nice to see how the stories composed by the nephew and niece comes into reality.
hm.. plan to watch twilight online. haha, but sadly, no subtitle. urgh, some parts juz cant catch it. haha.
still, merry xmas and happy new year! going for NS med checkup on monday... hope there's no hiccups. haha.
ENJOY! not sure Australia is nice anot.. will it be like pearl harbour? haha, someone watch liao tell me leh. cya!



name: WoOoLalAh
age: 18! ___ 22*09*89
living: Singapore
studies: peitong pri,
.______ yuhua pri,
.______ dunearn sec,
.______ ngee ann poly studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

anything about yourself from your school to cca to wishlist to interests etc.


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